You work hard. Learn about who is working hard for you!

The women and men of Ironworkers Local 498 are represented by the finest in our industry. These Officers work tirelessly to make our local the best that it can be. You work hard everyday. See who is working hard for you!
business manager /
financial secretary /
mark richeson
paul kauffman
vice president
ben scroggins
recording secretary
keith gahl
conductor /
sergeant – at – arms
mark whitford
examining committee
dean markee
john meier
mark whitford
Apprentice Coordinator
Paul Kauffman
Keith Gahl
executive committee
garrett schmidt
noel glastetter
josh olson
john meier
Mark Whitford
pension trustees
Mark Richeson
Keith Gahl
Paul Kauffman
union trustees
tom moraska
bob zimmerman
michael gracyalny
h&w trustees
mark richeson
bussiness manager /
financial secretary /
mark richeson
paul kauffman
recording secretary
keith gahl
vice president
ben scroggins
Keith Gahl
Apprentice Coordinator
Paul Kauffman
executive committee
john hammock
nick helm
john meier
garrett schmidt
Mark Whitford
union trustees
tom moraska
bob zimmerman
randy pontnack
examining committee
john hammack
randy pontnack
mark whitford
pension trustees
Mark Richeson
Keith Gahl
Paul Kauffman
h&w trustees
mark richeson
conductor /
sergeant – at – arms
mark whitford